Not only does the WiZ232 provide a solid, dependable serial communications interface but it also offers a number of embedded functions which greatly expand the number of applications for which it can be used. Foremost among these functions is the embedded logic for stepper motor control. The WiZ232 provides a stepper motor control port with all the necessary signals to control external drivers with features including half step and full step (biphasic and monophasic) operation, acceleration and deceleration from 0 to 255 steps/second2, a 24 bit position register, and stepping rates of 16 to 8,500 steps/second. Other functions include the measurement of period, resistance and capacitance, and the generation of a PWM signal. The WiZ232 also features an Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) port which can be used for connecting a number of synchronous devices such as: serial analog to digital converters, digital to analog converters, shift registers (useful for generating complex wave forms), and E2PROM. The capability to read a serial analog to digital converter (ADC) through the SPI port provides a real time data acquisition feature. With the WiZ232, samples can be taken from an analog signal at speeds from 20 to 2,500 samples per second. This allows samples to be obtained in real time and can be used for applications such as spectrum analysis using FFT and digital filtering of noise. The features and functions of the WiZ232 are accessible through the use of an embedded set of commands. These commands allow control of this product from both commercial communication programs such as PROCOMM and Telix as well as custom programs written in a variety of popular programming language such as Visual Basic, Q Basic, C/C++, Visual C++, Pascal, Delphi etc. The WiZ232-A is available in a 40 pin DIP or 44 pin PLCC package. To obtain more information, mouse over:
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