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Intelligent Serial Interface Multi-Function Data Acquisition & Control IC
The ITC232-A is an integrated
circuit containing a general purpose serial/parallel interface, as well as, a number of
embedded functions which find applications in data acquisition and control systems. It
provides easy access, from a terminal or computer serial port (via RS-232C), to 32
input/output lines arranged in 5 ports which can be read or written with extremely simple
ASCII commands (complex communication protocols are not required.) This allows control
from within a custom written program as well as from any commercial communication software
package (terminal for Windows � , Procomm � , Telix � , MAC240�, etc).The possibility
of sending commands to the ITC232-A from any terminal program is very convenient for
system debugging before writing a custom program .The IC is hardware platform independent;
it will work with any terminal or computer with an RS-232 serial port. The link requires 3
wires and operates at any standard speed between 300 and 115200 Bauds. The only external
components required by the ITC232-A are a voltage driver to handle the RS-232 voltages and
a 3.6864 MHz crystal. In addition to serial/parallel/serial interfacing, the ITC232-A
displays several other functions.
Features of the ITC232-A:
Interface Simplicity:
- ASCII commands and data are sent over the serial port (in
either Decimal, Hexadecimal or Binary format.)
- Easy to interface to any serial port via RS232/422/423/485
- Remote (modem) or local control. Remote operation is
possible via a phone link using a modem chip in place of the RS-232 voltage driver.
- ITC232-A can be used with popular terminal and data
acquisition software packages.
- A downloadable DLL is available for controlling the
Flexible I/O
- 3 general purpose 8 bit I/O ports.
- 24 I/O pins can be configured as IN or OUT.
- All I/O pins provide read back verification.
- Serial and parallel data I/O (SPI).
Powerful Built-in Functions:
- Direct measurement of relative capacitance or resistance.
- Three stepping motor ports with all the necessary logic to
instrument monophasic, biphasic and half-step stepping modes. Emphasis has been placed in
making the stepper interface easy to use. Stepping rates from 10 to 4000
- Variable width/frequency pulse (PWM) generation (10-10000
Hz, 0-100% duty cycle).
- Built in Help functions.
- A 1 keystroke "Again" command to repeat the
previous command.
- High and Low multiple interrupt recognition via 2 pins; IRQH
and IRQL.
- Hardware and software selectable Baud rate over the
300-115200 range.
- Four channels for reading relative resistance or
- On-screen help (a summary of all commands is sent to the
- A configuration report feature which sends the active
configuration of any parallel port, the PWM or the stepper motor ports back to the
The ITC232-A: Your Solutions Building Block

RMV Electronics offers custom engineering services such as hardware or PC software
development for our existing products
To explore the functionality of the ITC232-A chip please download the simulator below and
then self extract ITC_SIM.EXE into 3 files: SIM.EXE (the simulator itself), SIM.TXT (the
tutorial running within the simulator) and SIM.PIF.
For more
information about available software examples, application notes, product simulations
& evaluations and other product manuals go to the Download page.
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